Monday, March 10, 2025

Exploring the Joe Bussard Collection Vol. 17


Here's the latest from the massive stash Joe had in his basement. They are really busy auctioning off his collection. Trying to keep up with it....I have a backlog of titles to find.....


MusicHoarder77 said...

Exploring the Joe Bussard Collection Vol. 17:

jimmy said...

Thanks for another great collection.

Crab Devil said...

Thank you!

DaPreacher said...

Thanks Buddy!!
Bur Why Not in Lossless????
Best Johnny

RK NOBLE said...

hello, have joe boussad cd and dvd. also have first 16 vol. here. vol. 17 cuts 18-35 worked and burned to cd. sadly cuts 1-17 show up as invalid files and can't be used. can you fix this please? thank you for a great site. r. keith noble

MusicHoarder77 said...

@RK NOBLE--not seeing a problem on my side with the files. I removed the tags & re-uploaded...try:

Exploring the Joe Bussard Collection Vol. 17:
