Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Don Kent Collection Vol. 1


As I continue to dig backwards into time & discover artists/songs from the early years of recorded music, I also discover individuals who were doing the same WAY before me. Of course Joe Bussard in a fine example here, but also Don Kent-- who like Joe was a 78rpm hunter/collector. These early record collectors were first in the practice. But keep in mind...the real article (a record) in their hands, was the only way to hear it...unlike today with any music at your finger-tips within seconds. Bragging rights back then!

I learned of Don through a book I just read regarding the collection of rare 78rpm records. An internet search will provide more info. 

Luckily, a seller on the 'bay has some of Don's collection & shares sides in his postings. BINGO! for me & all interested!!


MusicHoarder77 said...

The Don Kent Collection. Vol. 1:

Hopefully this works...

Do Not Sell at any Price:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for what looks like the beginning of another great collection. Read the book a few years ago and would highly recommend it as it gives a very entertaining and interesting insight into weirdos like me.

Apesville said...

Worked for me. Thanks for another rare blues collection. Dean at

Steve said...

Thanks for showcasing Don Kent, who I also first heard of through Amanda's book, which is the definitive work on the makings of obsessive collectors.

Anonymous said...

There is something about pre-WWII music.Thanks.