Sunday, November 17, 2024

My Little Black Book Vol. 1


Back in the mid-1980's when I started digging backwards for new tunes....I started a small notebook of records I was searching for. Keep in mind...there was no internet or Y-tube to easily search out & listen to a song. If I heard something I liked...I jotted it down in my book. Most of my exposure came from my friend (Grover--see an earlier post) as we explored the "new" sounds together. Also, reading articles in KICKS magazine gave me the bug to find what was highlighted in that cool mag. My searching had me going to garage sales, thrift stores and record shows. I found some of my list but most would come years later with the internet & music sharing.

Recently, I unearthed my little black book in a storage box. Looking at the "wants" most have been fulfilled but some have not---until now! The internet makes things a whole lot easier. I no longer really care to own the original slab of e-copies fulfill my ear's desire.

More to come...


MusicHoarder77 said...

My Little Black Book Vol. 1:

Crab Devil said...

Thanks! Incidentally, I love to hear about stuff like that, especially since I myself had a lot of the same kinds of experiences you're talking about -- right down to (at least some issues of) Kicks magazine, and around the same time period, too.

MusicHoarder77 said...

@Crab Devil:

A-Ha...good to hear because throughout the years most people I met/worked with didn't understand my musical tastes! I felt like an oddball because I had no interest in current corporate music....