Sunday, June 23, 2024

Exploring the Joe Bussard Collection Vol. 8


More records that were auctioned off from Joe's collection. A nice variety of musical styles.


MusicHoarder77 said...

Exploring the Joe Bussard Collection Vol. 8:

soulpapa said...

Many thanks for continuing to share these! Wondering, are these the ones that were "offered" for auction or the ones that were actually purchased? Any way to learn the final price?

MusicHoarder77 said...

@soulpapa --

These were offered for auction. I would check Joe's site for titles & then check my files & the internet to compile them. I have tried finding the final sale price once by watching an auction live as it ended. As soon as the auction ended..the price/winning bid disappeared. Maybe if you set up an account on the site---more info maybe available (??). looks like those running the auctions have taken a break as all that is seen are "buy it now" records...but this can change at any given time.

Hope that helps & thanks for checkin' in!


Domenic Ciccone (AKA Martooni) said...

Thanks for posting, final prices are not disclosed, heh?

Crab Devil said...


jimmyb said...

Thanks MH for another great collection.