Monday, January 16, 2023

ebay jukebox Vol. 86

Here ya go kiddies...a new year & a newly filled jukebox! Thanks to those generous sellers on the 'bay.

On a sad note..I didn't do a Jeff Beck tribute as I knew many other sites would & I wouldn't have anything much different to contribute. I was introduced to Jeff's music early in my teens as my dad would buy -fix-up & sell cars (this was in the '70s when they were affordable!). Many times...there would be previous owner's "stuff" left in a vehicle. At that time...8 track tapes were the means of mobile music (!). So...Early on I got Jeff's 2nd solo release "Beck-ola" on 8-track. Any music that came into my possession got a lot of plays...this lead me to buy more of his stuff when I started working. I seen him once --circa 1981 (?)...he didn't say a work...just played his guitar.  

R.I.P. Jeff....



MusicHoarder77 said...

ebay jukebox Vol. 86:

Crab Devil said...

Thank you very much for Volume 86 -- and that's a nice anecdote about getting into Jeff Beck by way of, um, left-over 8-track!

Anonymous said...

MusicHoarder77 can you please update the link.


MusicHoarder77 said...

updated link: