Thursday, June 25, 2020

Essential Listening...

As mentioned in an earlier post, I'm a HUGE rockabilly fan. So when I first heard a selection from this group...I was on the hunt. Mind you...this was in the mid 80's & vinyl was still king. I once held the original CORAL LP in my tremblin' hands at JERRY'S RECORDS in Pittsburgh (still got marks where it scorched me!). I offered them $250 for it but at that time they were asking $400. So leave it the re-issue specialists to get this gem out. After all these years...still a favorite.


MusicHoarder77 said...

Rock and Roll Trio:

Crab Devil said...

By now, I'm familiar with close to everything the Burnettes ever released,
but I never managed to lay hold of that album in its original form.

What I did manage to lay hold of, in the late 70s (when I was about 16),
was the UK reissue from 1970:

Either way, I just about played it to death!

Anonymous said...

DEFINITELY essential listening! Great post! - Stinky

Domenic Ciccone (AKA Martooni) said...

Thanks for posting an essential and teaching us a few things.