Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Titty Shakers !!!

Compiled from various vinyl I've found throughout the years & web hunts.....

1)     Crawlin' (The Crawl) – Untouchables
2)     Chili with Honey - Danny Bell and the Bell Hops
3)     Sad Shape - Jay Bonty
4)     Saki Rock - The Windsors
5)     Dill Pickle - The Couplings
6)     Big Daddy - The Merri-Men
7)     Tough Chick - The Rock Busters
8)     Bandito - The Pastel Six
9)     Jibba Jab - Tic and Toc
10)  Voodoo Drums – Akim
11)  Cannibal Stew – Jerry and Mel
12)  What is This Thing Called Love - Lee and the Sounds
13)  Wolfe Bait - Henry Thome
14)  Scorpion - The Carnations
15)  Yes Love – Mel Smith
16)  Icky Poo - The Nomads
17)  Hot Tamales - Noble Thin Man Watts
18)  Topsy 65 - The Mustangs
19)  El Twiste - The Peppermint Stiks
20)  Monkey Stuff - Claude and the Hightones
21)  Neow, Not Neow - Kookie Kat
22)  Night Prowl - The Del-Rays
23)  Mo' Taters - The Earthworms
24)  Machine Gun - The Riptides
25)  The Hustler - The Rumblers
26)  Ooba-Gooba - The Charts
27)  Orbit Bound - The Premiers
28)  Naughty Rooster - The Knight Beats
29)  Peter Gun Cha Cha - The Embers


MusicHoarder77 said...

Titty Shakers :


Beemer said...

Ooh you are awful! Love the cover and especially the music. Enjoyin' your Ebay jukebox: much appreciated.

MusicHoarder77 said...
